Re: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Oct 18 2003 - 12:27:24 BST

  • Next message: "MD Re: NEW PIRSIG WEBSITE"


    I'd appreciate your criticism if you could be more specific in your

    > Andy: Rorty makes no bones about how we should deal with Nazis also.
    > If you would read Matt a little more carefully you would see this.
    > However, after all this time it has become blatantly obvious that you
    > are incapable of following a line of thought.

    For example?

    >Matt has described why he
    > uses a nazi to make his point. He has also stated that after awhile
    > strongarming nazis is the only option to pursuing a better society.
    > Rorty would agree.

    Why "after awhile?" Is it necessary to engage in a lengthy conversation
    with Nazis before eliminating them? Does the name Neville Chamberlain
    mean anything to you?

    > You may call it "namecalling" but after all this time of patiently
    > answering your ridiculous and outrageous distortions of Rorty,
    > pragmatism, and Matt's take on Pirsig, anytime he has engaged you in the
    > past year he has been dealing with "crap."

    Like Matt, you also call challenges to Rorty orthodoxy "crap." You'll
    gladly engage a Nazi in debate, but not someone who champions
    individual freedom. Doesn't that strike you as rather curious?

    > Bring something new to the
    > discussion for once instead of the same old allegations that matt has
    > consistently and intelligently refuted time and time again.

    How about a list of allegations along with Matt's refutations? If
    you're going to make a charge, the least you could do is back it up. Or
    are casting aspersions one of Rorty's approved debating techniques?
    Seems so if two of his acolytes, you and Matt, are typical
    representatives of his arguing style.


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