Re: MD Plans. A late reply to Anthony McWatt

From: David Harding (
Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 06:55:37 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?"

    David Harding said:

     Now that all that hard work has almost been completed what do you plan to
    do with yourself now? I'm curious because at the moment I'm trying to work
    out how and where best I can make the MoQ more recognised for what it is.

    Anthony said:

    Unless, you know a TV documentary maker, David, that’s about all the ideas
    I have at the moment. Hope the above is some help, anyway.

    David's reply:

    A documentary certainly is an intersesting idea as there have been some very
    successful documentaries which made it to the big screen recently such as,
    Spellbound (about the national spelling B championships in the US), Bowling
    for Columbine and there is a new one out soon with Ex US Secretary of
    Defense, Robert S. McNamara and his views on Americas military stance in
    world. Heres a link to its trailer -

    This trailer really makes me wonder about what could be possible with an MOQ
    doco but unfortunately I don't know any Producers. So I'm just thinking at
    the moment about the information I've read from this website - http:// - where there's links to various grants that are given
    (which I didn't even know existed) to aspiring documentary makers.

    In Lila Pirsig complained about how ZMM was going to be all 'romanticized' as
    a movie but with a documentary and it's strict 'narrative' structure, I can
    hardly see that happening. Moreover, he complaned of how movies were
    'cultural reinforcement' rather than a 'knock on the head' but with present
    times as uncertain as they are, and documentaries drastically more
    intellectual than a run of the mill Hollywood movie, there's more of a chance
    now, than even 10 years ago, for something like the MOQ to gain attention.

    Anyway, thanks for the ideas, while I'm looking into this Documentary stuff,
    as per suggestion, I'm creating a paper for!


    David Harding

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