Re: MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality

Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 00:30:12 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "MD This is over the top even for Squank"

    Hi Mark, Charles,

    Mark said:
    > What is the MOQ perspective on homosexuality?
    > The MoQ deals with values and we may begin by stating that homosexuality is
    > response to value or Quality. At that point in human evolution when
    > reproduction was essential for the survival of biological patterning,
    > homosexuality may have been in conflict with that basic imperative. Which
    > the question, what is in conflict?
    > In Lila, Pirsig suggests that the female is the one who chooses which DNA
    > moves on.

    Mark, do you think this female choice is a social pattern or a biological
    one? I think it is social, since biologically, a man can take whatever he
    wants from a woman (most men are stronger than most women anyway).

    Mark 8-12-03: Hi Steve, DNA is a prerequisite of any social or intellectual
    patterning that emerges from it. If a male stimulates a female's social or
    intellectual perception of quality, then that is the DNA which will be advanced.

    > I have a sneaking suspicion that there is no such thing as homosexuality!
    > That term is a social imposition; the imposition of a male dominated
    > over the values of women! Men do not feel at all comfortable that females
    > homosexuals! It is a threat to them.

    This is the sort of thing that SOMers do.

    Mark 8-12-03: I feel you may be confusing Male/Female values with SoM here?
    Male/Female values are not SoM in a Quality centred metaphysics - obviously!

    Steve (for it is but himself)
    I think what you are suggesting
    is that homosexuality may be a social pattern rather than a biological one
    and from the SOM perspective then doesn't exist since social patterns are
    "just subjective." I'm sure you don't really think that social patterns
    don't really exist, but you seem to be making the typical SOM error here.

    Mark 8-12-03: I suggested homosexuality may be a social description of
    biological value. That is not SoM.

    > So, when you ask, 'Would you say a same-sex preference lies in the
    > level, or the social level? Or perhaps some other level? i might be
    > to suggest that comment on biological preference is a social comment.
    > Biologically, it's OK, ask a woman?!

    Again, I disagree that female ownership of choice is a biological pattern.

    Mark 8-12-03: Any homophobic would of course.

    I think that human sexuality is so complex that it is impossible to say to
    what degree homosexuality is biologically based and to what degree it is a
    social phenomenon. It's both.

    Mark 8-12-03: But not before exhibiting your culturally derived innate
    homophobia i see.

    Charles, in my opinion, since homosexuality can be practiced in such a way
    that it does not threaten social control over dangerous biological patterns
    it is therefore moral according to the MOQ. It would be immoral to enact
    laws against homosexuality since doing so would limit freedom without
    strengthening society, and the MOQ says, all things being equal, choose


    Mark 8-11-03: Basically, what Steve appears to be saying here is that a woman
    cannot find a homosexual sexually attractive, which is a bit fascistic
    against woman as far as i can see.
    Typical male garbage!

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