Re: MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality

Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 21:53:39 GMT

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality"

    Hi Mark,


    I agree with you!


    I THINK that you agree with me, but it would help if you could reply a little
    more specifically.


    My points attempt to address and question the erroneous rational that the gay
    political extremists promote, within the MoQ framework.


    Pax et bene,



    _\/\/ _/-\ |_ -|-_


    Hello Walt,
    I do not understand what it is gay political extremists promote?
    I have tried to think about your initial question in MoQ terms, and my
    immediate response was the result. I find your enquiry to be most refreshing, as it
    begins with the MoQ and then attempts to take matters foreword a step.

    Politics is a dirty, underhanded business in my view. It is a fight for a
    voice in circumstances that may deny your very existence?

    In this regard, anyone being denied a voice and wishing to be heard may
    resort to raising their Political volume, and that may lead to misconceptions and
    misunderstanding? Things get distorted.

    Those denying voices in the name of morality have historically been
    Christians. In the MoQ, morality is the very groundstuff of reality, and we may
    therefore take a broader view than traditional Christian based ethics. In the MoQ,
    homosexuality is not a matter of duality. Homosexuality is a black and white
    intellectually imposed description used to negate value at the biological and
    social level.
    If we remove the dual nature of biological and social preference then a
    pluralist value system becomes the norm. We must harmonise that to support the
    social and intellectual levels, but in doing so, no one will be denied or
    restricted. In fact, quite the opposite may result?

    I apologise if my thinking is not as clear as you should wish? This is not an
    easy topic, and that is most welcome in my view.

    All the best,

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