Re: MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality

Date: Wed Dec 10 2003 - 04:24:43 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Sit on my faith."

    Hi Mark,

    >> Mark 8-12-03: Hi Steve, DNA is a prerequisite of any social or
    >> patterning that emerges from it. If a male stimulates a female's social or
    >> intellectual perception of quality, then that is the DNA which will be
    >> advanced.
    > Steve:
    > Fine with me. I was only suggesting that the pattern of women having the
    > choice of what DNA gets passed is not biologically latched but socially.
    > Here you seem to be saying the same thing.
    > Mark 8a-12-03: A woman chooses. She chooses Quality. I wish there were more
    > woman here to contribute, but as there are not, i will not say anymore.

    Still fine with me. Are you sure we're disagreeing?

    Mark 10-12-03: No, we are not disagreeing. And i am listening friend.

    >> Steve (for it is but himself)
    > What does "for it is but himself" mean (besides nothing)?
    > Mark 8a-12-03: Lighten up for pity's sake.

    Are you kidding? You are the one who's gotten all bent out of shape here.
    I'm still trying to figure out why.

    Mark 10-12-03: My shape has more to do with other matters. I apologise.

    > Steve:
    > Oh, I thought when you said "there is no such thing as homosexuality!" that
    > it meant you thought that there was no such thing as homosexuality. I
    > misread you, and my attempt at correcting you is then irrelevant. Your
    > statement "I suggested homosexuality may be a social description of
    > biological value" is much more clear.
    > Mark 8a-12-03: Sometimes the in your head are those others would have you
    > value?

    I have no idea what you mean here.

    Mark 10-12-03: Not surprising! My mistake. I was trying to indicate the power
    of social convention.

    >> Again, I disagree that female ownership of choice is a biological pattern.
    >> Mark 8-12-03: Any homophobic would of course.
    > Steve:
    > That was uncalled for. What leads you to think that I am homophobic????
    > Mark 8-12-03: Your lack of humility.

    Is this a general critique of my contributions or are you saying that in
    this particular issue I am not being humble enough for your tastes? In any
    case, I can't see how it supports your claim that I am a homophobe. Please

    Mark 10-12-03: I am sure you are a critical thinker trying to make sense of a
    difficult topic. And i have been quick to attribute convention as a
    motivating factor in your assessment, which is a mistake. I am sorry.

    >> Steve:
    >> I think that human sexuality is so complex that it is impossible to say to
    >> what degree homosexuality is biologically based and to what degree it is a
    >> social phenomenon. It's both.
    >> Mark 8-12-03: But not before exhibiting your culturally derived innate
    >> homophobia i see.
    > Steve:
    > Please explain.
    > Mark 8-12-03: Let woman speak for themselves.

    I don't see where I've done otherwise. *You* have spoken for women, saying
    that they are sexually attracted to homosexuals. I've made no such claims
    nor have I commented on your claim. You seem to me to be thoroughly

    Mark 10-12-03: To be fair to myself, i claim to have observed the above. The
    value of my observations may be a different thing altogether?!

    > Mark 8-12-03: I am not going to speak on behalf of women. Full stop. If you
    > know better and feel able to speak on behalf of women, then fine, but it
    > to all you are doing is dictating to women.

    Again. I don't see where I've spoken on behalf of women. Please show me
    where I've committed the egregious error for which you continue to chastise

    Mark 10-12-03: You have not. Apologies.

    Is there some deeper issue here? Have I said something that contradicts
    your understanding of the MOQ and lower myself in your view to the likes of
    DMB, Bo, and Matt K? You seem to be quickly running out of people to talk
    to in this group. I agree with Wim in often finding your contributions
    valuable. Though you voiced frustration at your essay being ignored, you
    still seem to have no inclination to participate in the social patterns that
    allow intellectual patterns to flourish and choose ad homonym attacks over
    reasoned arguments. I really think it's a shame.


    Mark 10-12-03: The problem is all mine. I wish to apologise for lumping you
    with a sorry lot. I am very sorry Steve.

    All the best,

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