Re: MD Intellect attacks free speech

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Thu Dec 11 2003 - 23:46:55 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Intellect attacks free speech"

    Hi Platt,
    > Steve wrote:
    >> Intellectual domination of society is strengthened when ideas are
    >> weighed on their intellectual quality rather than the amount of money
    >> supporting their spread. So I see MOQ justification in limiting impact
    >> of "voice" based on wealth because it may make room for "voice" based on
    >> intellectual quality. So, what you've called intellect's attack on free
    >> speech may be seen as a triumph of power based on intellectual quality
    >> over power based on wealth.

    Platt asked:
    > Am I correct in assuming that you think there's an inverse ratio
    > between money and intellectual quality, that is, a voice based on
    > wealth is prima facie evidence that the intellectual quality of that
    > voice is low? If so, what evidence would you cite?

    No, I don't assume that, nor do I assume that there is a direct relationship
    between money and intellectual quality. I think there is likely to be only
    a weak correlation, which is why I think selecting ideas to spread based on
    financial backing is not the sort of marketplace of ideas that we should

    > Also I wonder who you would suggest as judges to establish the
    > "intellectual quality" of a political ad, or any speech for that
    > matter?

    I would suggest that individuals judge for themselves as I assume you would.
    I don't understand why you asked.

    I'm interested in what you thought of my take on replacing equating speech
    and money with relating money and "voice" if you'd care to comment.


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