Re: MD a small comprehension doubt

From: Johannes Volmert (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 21:07:46 GMT

  • Next message: Jordi Soldevila: "MD Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 23:22:15 +0100"

    Hi Jordi,

    as an additional information it might be helpful to give you the german
    translation (Fischer-Verlag, '84).
    Here is 'introconvertable' translated into 'austauschbar' which can be
    re-translated again into 'exchangeable' with no loss of meaning (as far
    as my knowledge goes). But to my understanding this translation lacks a
    bit the character of 'transformation' that seems to be there originally.

    Regards and good luck for your translation,


    Jordi Soldevila wrote:

    > Hi you all and congratulations for creating this list to dicuss a very
    > interesting book,
    > I’m a translator into Catalan and I’m now translating the second half
    > of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I’m using the 25th
    > anniversary edition from Vintage Books. The fact is that I’ve got a
    > doubt on the comprehension of a term in a phrase of the book, namely
    > in the page 252 (chapter 20). The fragment in wihich this word is
    > included is the following:
    > “Phaedrus remembered Hegel had been regarded as a bridge between
    > Western and Oriental philosophy. The Vedanta of the Hindus, the Way of
    > the Taoists, even the Buddha had been described as an absolute monism
    > similar to Hegel’s philosophy. Phaedrus doubted at the time, however,
    > whether mystical Ones and metaphysical monisms were*
    > i**n**t**ro**con**vertable* since mystical Ones follow no rules and
    > metaphysical monisms do. His Quality was a metaphysical entity, not a
    > mystic one. Or was it? What was the difference?”
    > I think, thanks to the context (cause i can’t find the meaning of this
    > adjective anywhere) that this phrase means, more or less, that he
    > doubted whether mystical Ones and metaphysical monisms were/ the
    > same/. That is my suggestion for a translation into Catalan, but I’m
    > ot sure at all, so I would be very pleased if somebody could help me
    > in interpreting this term, and to some extend this sentence.
    > Thanks a lot,
    > Jordi Soldevila.

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