Re: MD (no subject)

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 14:15:53 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD SOLAQI as gift of understanding"

    Hi Calvin, (Ian quoted)


    On Saturday, January 24, 2004 1:16 AM you said:
    >> i'm still not even sure how to respond to this thing...i've sent to or three
    >> different things but no-one seems to read them. and if they do, i most
    >> certainly haven't found out about it...

    Ian responded:
    >In which case MBSJ79, why don't you introduce yourself.

    Calvin said:
    >to all:
    >call me calvin.

    Steve says:
    If you wanted to participate in the social pattern that may give you the
    best chance of a response, the preferred format for your post would have

    "Hi Ian, All,

    On Saturday, January 24, Ian said:
    >... why don't you introduce yourself.

    Calvin says:
    Call me Calvin. [Maybe a bit more here.]

    [closing of your choice],

    Keep in mind that just because no responds doesn't mean that your post
    wasn't read and valued. Maybe it was so good that there is simply nothing
    more to say.

    Also, asking direct questions to specific people will make you more likely
    to get a response.

    On Dec 17, under the Capture of a Tyrant thread you said:
    >i believe you've said it best.

    I for one had no idea what you were referring to. It would be helpful if
    you would click reply, turn off html formatting, cut out any irrelevant
    parts of the previous quotes, and reference any relevant quotes that you are
    responding to.

    Lastly, inserting an occasional smiley will make you look friendly. :-)

    Good luck,

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