Re: MD Re: Md Awareness as Quality

From: David MOREY (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 19:50:22 GMT

  • Next message: Matt poot: "Re: MD Social level is dependent on the individual"


    Yes, laws, habits, memory, patterns may be closely linked
    take a look at this:

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt poot" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 6:02 AM
    Subject: MD Re: Md Awareness as Quality

    > >Recently I said, "To infer patterns of any kind, one must rise to the
    > >intellectual level since inferences are intellectual constructs." Platt
    > >agreed, DM disagreed. I think the disagreement concerned an implication
    > >that all patterns are intellectual.
    > -=*Poot*=- I would say that patterns exist outside of the intellect, but
    > just use the intellectual term of pattern to describe a certain series of
    > actions, or occurences.
    > Mark: 31-01-04: At the sweet spot of nothingness, that point where tension
    > between patterns is very severe - the cutting edge of reality - is the
    > from which new patterns emerge falling away from coherence, becoming
    > -=*Poot*=- Now, once these patterns become static, doe they stay static
    > during the present, or in the past? I think that not all patterns past the
    > point of perception and awareness (cutting edge) can stand to be proved as
    > absolutely static. By definition of the word static, we mean that it
    > not change.....ever. which would make this 'static' absolute. If it is
    > absolute, does that not then partially define it, and restrict it? I
    > that static is too ...rigid...a concept, and applying something so rigid
    > our entire perception is not natural, and does not lead to things
    > beneficial. Even once its passed the cutting edge, and passed into
    > past/memory, does that neccesarily mean written in stone? Is time just a
    > continuos succesion of 'nows' (sweet spots) which once past, are not
    > susceptible to change, as being ....breadcrumbs we have
    > behind, which we then examine, and place again in front of us as patterns
    > and rules to follow. I think that maybe patterns go hand in hand with
    > rules/definitions.
    > -------------------Perhaps "unpatterned awareness" would make a good
    > substitute for
    > "pre-intellectual awareness," otherwise it would seem that all patterns
    > intellectual by equating dynamic/static with
    > What do you think?
    > -=*Poot*=- I would agree with unpatterned awareness. However , I think
    > that there is no need to replace pre-intellectual awareness( which I like
    > refer as "Feeling"). If there was an unpatterned awareness, it could be
    > identical or similar to our idea of subconcious.
    > I would say that the Heirarchy of total awareness in all steps is as
    > follows(as relating it bewtween person, and environment
    > twist]).
    > (unpatterned awareness)
    > ______________________ |
    > | Environment Perception |-------> UA ----->
    > P-IA----->CuttingEdge----->Subconcious
    > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
    > (Pre-intellectual
    > awareness)
    > What do you think?
    > Sincerely,
    > Poot
    > -Experience is not what has happened to a man, but what a man does with
    > what has happened to him.
    > Aldous Huxley
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