From: james marshall (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 23:39:51 GMT
Next Saturday night my youngest daughter is getting married and I will be
"giving the bride away." I am also honored to be toasting the bride and
groom at the reception. I had my toast presentation all worked out quite
nicely and then I learned that there will be a contingency of Hells Angels
in attendance.
So I thought, "Ah, here is an opportunity to work in some ZAMM material and
I thought immediately of P's "The real motorcycle you are working on is
Do any of you have any suggestions as to how I might further utilize the
best of MOQ to make my toast relevant to these guys? I want them to feel
welcome, and loved, and appreciated.
Thanks for your consideration of this request. I hope you will agree that
this is an example of how MOQ ultimately is a tool for making lives more
meaningful, more fun, more satisfying.
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