MD Weasel words

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Feb 08 2004 - 22:50:05 GMT

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "Re: MD Weasel words"

    Matt, Anthony and all MOQers:

    Professor Ronald Pine wrote:
    In my opinion there was a lot of tightrope walking and weaseling in the
    criticism of my rendering of Rorty. In fact, many statements just seem
    plain contradictory. ...But let's take some concrete Rorty conclusions and
    see if my critic can tightrope his way out of the relativism these
    conclusions imply.

    dmb says:
    Yep. Weaseling. That's exactly the right word for it. Webster's says the
    meaning of "weasel words" comes from "the weasel's reputed habit of sucking
    the contents out of an egg while leaving the shell superficially intact" and
    says they are "used to evade or retreat from a direct or forthright
    statement or position." Thanks to the good Dr. Pine, we now have a word and
    a phrase that accurately describes his critic's style. Here's just one
    example of such weaseling....

    Professor Ronald Pine wrote:
    I claim that Rorty leaves us with no rational constraining process for
    paths of propositions-brought-forward-in-defense-of-other-propositions,
    and my critic claims this is just plain wrong. That Rorty is not saying
    that the old notion of convergence of belief is being rejected, only that
    we have no reason to believe that convergence will be successful.
    (Nothing but tightrope walking here in my opinion.) This not only
    contradicts the claim about the ease of achieving commensuration in
    science (if we can achieve commensuration, our beliefs must be
    converging), but the history of science provides us with much hope that
    for rational human beings that our old-fashioned quaint nostalgic notion
    of convergence in both metaphysics and morality is basically sound.

    dmb says:
    Rorty is not rejecting it, he only thinks there's no reason to think it will
    ever work? That's an emtpy egg shell if ever there was one. The difference
    between rejecting something and not accepting something is like the
    difference between dropping it and letting it go. There is no real
    difference. Weasel. Weasel. Weasel. It reminds me of the claim that Rorty is
    not a materialist, he's a physicalist or that his atheism does not preclude
    his acceptance of mysticism. Weasel. Weasel. Weasel.


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