RE: MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ

Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 09:21:00 GMT

  • Next message: Mati Palm-Leis: "MD Information Request"

    Mati and Group.

    On 11 Feb. Mati commented Paul's

    > >If the terms objective and subjective, with respect to ideas, methods
    > > and knowledge, were replaced with high quality and low quality, I
    > > think there would be less confusion.

    > Mati: Ok, I am not really philosophically savvy as I would like to be,
    > but this seems a big step backward from where Pirsig has brought us.
    > It feels like perhaps this is going back down the slippery slope of
    > SOM. In large part because it would in the end would require knowledge
    > to be sorted would by a subjective reality (couched in SOM) to work
    > and be back where we started from.

    Good to see that there are reasonable people around. I was
    pondering what Paul means - without much success, but yours
    helped a lot and I will respond in a separate post, right now I just
    want to comment this.

    > > Bo said:
    > > Is this the MOQ that children are supposed to understand?

    > > Paul:
    > > Pirsig says that *value* is understood by every infant, not the MOQ.
    > You are both correct, I think you are discussing different passages.

    Understanding value ....said just like that says nothing. It is the
    MOQ versus the SOM which is at stake. Biological "value" is
    understood in the sense of a newborn needing no instruction to
    suck the breast. The infant also perceives the social value of love
    and care without any fuss. However, what Pirsig means is that
    the intellectual understanding of the MOQ reality is supposed to
    be much simpler than the SOM one. If any infant is are able to
    grasp it can be discussed, but at least the MOQ world is
    supposed to be ... fabulously more simple than the SOM world.


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