From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Sat Feb 21 2004 - 05:03:31 GMT
Platt: Over the centuries religion shows little in the way of human
accomplishment. If anything, it has been used to justify low moral
biological level behavior by inspiring the slaughter of millions.
ME: As I mentioned, Jesus was a pacifist. The only reason that we have
gun-toting "christians" today, and violent "christians" (and catholics,
muslims, etc. ) is that certain political powers have, at some point in
history, learned to use religion to _their_ advantage. I'm not exactly
sure, but I believe it was around 300 a.d. that the roman empire adopted the
concept of jesus, and stopped persecution of christians. What did they do?
Supposedly, a roman emperor (claudius???) made battle armor out of the
spikes used to crucify jesus. He then went conquering in 'the name of the
lord'. Now he is morally correct when waging war. But, was this the
original way Jesus (assuming he existed) wanted things? Is not his most
notorius saying "turn the other cheek"? ......
Concerning whether religion showing little of human accomplishment, I
disagree. How does religion show human accomplishment? The views
represented by those religions, are a direct reflection of human populations
views on life. Thus, if we know how they looked at things, relatively
speaking, then we can see at what stage of social and intellectual
development they are at.
Platt: Sure. But that doesn't give you the right to verbally abuse others
hold different beliefs.
ME: Whos verbally abusing anyone? I have christian friends. Hell (no pun
intended), at one point, I was seeing a Jehovas Witness(ha, she broke the
rules to even see me)!! I state my opinion to them, talk about it. I'm
EVERYONE: To have any more positive discussions, this shit has got to stop.
Myself included, there is to much angst in this forum...
Sure, we can all get overly-enthused about what we believe in, but it seems
that sometimes things get carried away. We all have to be more....., well ,
I feel as if this is some sort of parliament(congress for you yankees)
I think we could be much more productive otherwise...
What do you think?
Matt Poot
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