Re: MD SQ-SQ tension in Chinese cuisine.

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 05:40:49 GMT

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    Hello again

    Now that I have a moment more, I will also add something. There is a saying
    among those who cook (doesnt have to be a chef always),
    that the first time you make something, is the best time................even
    if you don't know what your doing. It just seems to work out when your
    making something completely new (DQ)!!

    Concerning tension in food: Food is quite similar to music, due to a few
    factors. You make a dish to have contrasting flavours, not too many that
    you cant tell whats in it(although sometimes i like that), it has a main
    theme both in flavour, and in appearance. You seek to create coherence ,
    as a result of various tensions and harmonies with in the aesthetic, and


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