Re: MD Viruses in MoQ.

From: Horse (
Date: Sun Feb 29 2004 - 01:36:45 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Viruses in MoQ."

    Greetings all

    With regard to the messages coming from odd sources and containing viruses, as far as I can
    see these are not being sent from
    I've checked the venus archives and my own copies of all MD posts and they do not contain
    viruses (Virii!!!).
    The source of these items may well be from members own machines as I have received
    bounced messages from members containing viruses. Fortunately they do not get through as I
    have a filter on the size of emails and have for some time now. The level I currently have it set
    for is adequate to filter out viruses at their present size. However, HTML email could potentially
    contain troublesome code and is the reason the rules of the forum state that HTML mail should
    not be sent. I have made this point in the past <SIGH>.
    If the forum rules are followed - no HTML, no attachments, and only relevant parts of previous
    posts etc. then the chance of a virus getting through are miinimal. Only problem is that a
    number of members can't be assed to follow some simple and useful rules so at some point
    something may get through. I do what I can so don't blame me or if it does happen.

    A few things to remember:
    All posts from from moq_discuss have something like "MD...." or "Re: MD..." in the subject
    line. If it doesn't then the chances are it's not from the MD list.
    No posts contain attachments. If you get email which purports to come from the MD and
    contains an attachment then treat it like something the dog did in a corner of the room and get
    rid of it immediately. If you open it you're asking for trouble.
    If you run Microsoft software such as Outlook or Outlook Express or similar you are at risk. It's
    crap software (virtually everything they produce is crap) and inherently insecure. There are
    some high quality email tools out there and many of them (such as Pegasus Mail) are
    completely free. Check 'em out.
    Get a virus checker and scan your machine.
    Install a firewall.
    Both of the above can be obtained either free or very cheaply.

    I'll be as vigilant as I possibly can but may have to tighten up on the rules if things look dodgy
    and anything starts to get through. I can only do so much though - in the end it's down to
    individual members to follow the forum rules and to act sensibly.


    On 28 Feb 2004 at 14:41, Matthew Poot wrote:

    > Hello everyone,
    > I have received two or three mails, from moq_discuss that give me really weird messages.
    > #1:from click this!!!
    > #2: from :
    > Solve the problem!!
    > They both came with file attachments that I don't want to open, and will not.
    > Beware.....ghosts are lurking.
    > Poot

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