Re: MD Quality takes a hit

From: drose (
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 12:26:34 GMT

  • Next message: Destination Quality: "RE: MD When is a society a good society?"

    Hi, all -

    Not that it was even my main point - any politician who positions himself
    outside the mainstream of his constituency is unlikely to get himself

    Once elected, that politician is expected to bring home the bacon - that is,
    to fulfill his campaign promises - or at least be perceived to be fulfilling
    them. Perceived failure to produce is likely to cost him at the polls.

    That in many cases the politician is desirous of power for its own sake is
    axiomatic - and irrelevant to the point. I submit that the majority of
    people, not just politicians, are largely self-serving.

    Bread and circuses...

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