Re: MD quality religion

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 07:46:05 GMT

  • Next message: james marshall: "Re: MD Beyond"

    Hi Wim,

    What an intriguing idea. I'm game - although I suspect it'll be a volcanic sort of debate with lava
    spewing in all directions and depending on the work of aeons to turn that lava into useful earth in
    which plants can grow. So, without having any expectation of generating agreement, can I suggest the

    Firstly we (rapidly) agree some sort of criteria by which we can make assessments. I would suggest
    that, as this is a MoQ forum, we think in terms of what religion best fosters or enables the
    evolutionary expression of Quality in human life, or, what best fosters the drive of Dynamic Quality
    in partnership with human static patterns. Something like that.

    Second, we agree to sit lightly to the 'historical' evidence. I don't think that finger pointing to
    the effect of 'your religion launched the crusades' or 'your religion supports FGM' will get us
    anywhere. So I think we should allow each religion to wear its best clothes, be seen in its best
    light as demonstrated by its best adherents. In other words, what we should be looking at is the SQ
    latches of the intellectual structures, ie when a religion works as it is intended to work, how good
    is it then? So we compare the 'ideal result' of the religion, rather than assess the acts committed
    (more or less) in each religion's name.

    That's my two pennies to be going on with.


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