From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 02:50:50 GMT
Hello Dave.
Soccer Moms, are those I (and others ) who refer to many mothers who often
have no jobs (not necessarily bad!) and drive a Sports Utility Vehicle, most
offen, of massive proportions. THey are called soccer moms, because they
are always driving their kids to and from sports events. The thing is,
that a large part of the time, they drive these behemoths by themselves (1
person for a 5 litre engine??? give me a break), and do not know how to
drive them.
THis is not because they are stupid, or lack driving skill. I think that it
is because driving a large vehicle, is much more difficult than driving a
small one, and you really have to be on your toes to not bump and scratch
people .
As a side note to Jon(and Platt also): You call me a "radical
environmentalist". I do more harm than good. I now call you, a "radical
You seem to suggest that we not err on the side of caution, but just keep
doing what we are doing.
The greatest harm will not be to the planet, but to the Quality of life.
----- Original Message -----
From: David MOREY <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: MD Beyond
> Hi
> Man from UK asks what soccer moms are?
> thanks
> DM
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthew Poot" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 7:29 AM
> Subject: Re: MD Beyond
> > Jon(?) Well I guess you would have to include oxygen to that list of
> > things we cannot rid ourselves of. Oxygen is actually a metabolic
> > poison. It's a corrosive gas, like fluorine, which is used to etch
> > glass. Oxygen was first produced as *a waste product* by certain plant
> > cells
> >
> > Poot: Yes I am aware of this. However there is a fundamental
> > difference between free radicals, and environmental estrogens. Quite
> > different. Platt remarked that this should not be here, because it
> > seemingly does not have to do with quality, but I propose that it does,
> > just not in the metaphysical way. So, if that be the case, then it
> > won't belong here. I will not get into specifics, and use more
> > metaphysical terms, to some other end.
> >
> >
> > You also speak of the apparent 'freaking out' of 'people' at discovering
> > the bacteria, which are in a symbiotic relationship with the human
> > body's wellness (directly affecting the quality of thought, via the
> > brain. Now, this presumption, that you know of what I speak
> > (environmental estrogens) :
> >
> > Jon : Man lives in a sea of bacteria. They are everywhere--on the skin,
> > in the ears and mouth, lungs and stomach. *Don't* be scared by your
> > science report. Everything we own, touch, and breathe is drenched in
> > bacteria. We've adapted together and most of the time work for mutual
> > benefit. It has more in common with capitalism than socialism, but I
> > regress. Only a small percentage of bacteria produce human disease, the
> > rest are harmless or beneficial. So relax. We adapt. What's in the air
> > isn't killing us any more than oxygen is.
> >
> > Poot:This is very true, however, completely different from what I speak
> > of. I think, and I am sure that we can agree on this, that the physical
> > health of the body, has a most direct, and important role in brain
> > healthiness, which directly supports higher intellectual (spiritual as
> > well???) activity. And, if you will wait to see, life expectancy of a
> > largely growing percentage of population, will decrease , due , not to
> > lack of medical or pharmaceutical (I dont even take pills for my cold,
> > because it weakens the immune system) technological advancement , but
> > other factors such as diet (relating to moderation and economy)
> >
> >
> > Jon: And humans are healthier, stronger, more developed, and live longer
> > than EVER before in history--this simply flies in the face of those who
> > say humanity is killing itself. And we *don't* need to rid our bodies of
> > all those things you mentioned--they actually contribute to a strong
> > immune system.
> >
> > I wish radical environmentalists wouldn't be so hostile to opinions that
> > don't absolutely agree with their own.
> >
> >
> > Poot: I do not consider myself to be a 'radical environmentalist' , but
> > rather, someone who is a proponent of economy, and and proportion.
> > Economy, not pertaining to financial terms, but the true meaning of the
> > word. Here is what I found in the dictionary:
> >
> > Economy:
> > 1.. Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money,
> > materials, or labor: learned to practice economy in making out the
> > household budget.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now(back to the suv :), in what sense would you hold suv's to be
> > economic? As I said, unless they are fully utilized , then they are ,
> > in fact, anti-economic. What is the purpose of such a vehicle, after
> > subracting its lack of precision, economy, etc.? I do not intend to
> > say that suv's are quality devoid, but it is just not good practice to
> > use them in current fashion (excess). I mean, do you really need a
> > vehicle that uses 10 times the amount of fuel, and larger amounts of raw
> > materials, and labour to produce, for 1 person to use, simply because
> > they have the financial means to do so? It is simply not feasible, on a
> > planet of 6 + billion people, to continue to waste to the point of
> > extreme excess.
> >
> >
> > "He singled out aspects of Quality such as unity, vividness, authority,
> > economy, sensitivity, clarity, emphasis, flow, suspense, brilliance,
> > precision, proportion, depth, and so on..." ZMM Pg 186 (this quote
> > doesnt really affirm or prove anything, but is for consideration)
> >
> > Jon: Soccer moms DO have Quality, the kind that makes America Dynamic,
> > and that point DOES belong here
> >
> >
> > Poot: I don't believe I said that soccermoms DON'T have quality. I say
> > that they promote inequality. Which, is "" bad "" in my books.
> >
> > Also, if you think of what I have written as not relating to the MoQ,
> > then consider this: Our actions, are a direct reflection of our
> > mindsets.
> >
> >
> > Matt Poot
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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