MD Sociology affecting the Human via SQ-DQ

From: Matt poot (
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 15:58:06 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Sociology affecting the Human via SQ-DQ"

    Hello to all,

    Here is some 'interesting' information, which I would like all to
    consider,the effect of, on the MoQ, either directly, or indirectly. This
    following information, is relative, not only because we are all human, but
    also, in terms of SQ-DQ thoughts and social patterns of behaviour. I think
    this shows, that the propensity towards DQ is increasing, at a very, very,
    high rate. But, it is the actual physical static qualities, and static
    social patterns of the past which are giving rise to awareness, after DQ
    steps in (at some point)

    If we keep looking at the past (SQ-history, patterns) than you can see
    nothing that is truly new. Looking at patterns, you can only see patterns,
    as opposed to the common view of "learning from our mistakes" by
    relentlessly pouring over historical details.

    This is not to say that I oppose learning Plato, Confucius, or any other
    philosopher, thinker, spiritualist, mystic, or such. But, often we look at
    the past, and think of it as analagous to our society. This doesn't really
    do any 'justice' as to what I'm really trying to say here, but I hope that
    you will interpret what I have said better than I can say it.
    Grain Production: "It's already decreasing in many large countries.
    Pakistan's grain output stopped growing in 1981 at 186 kilograms per person,
    less than one-quarter the amount consumed by the average American.

    Fresh Water: In 2050, 1 billion people will face complete water scarcity

    Biodiversity: Five of the world's six most biologically rich countries will
    lose at least three-quarters of their habitat.

    Climate change: The 15 warmest years on record, have all occurred since

    Fish stocks: Global fish production per person has been dropping since
    1988. Of the 15 major oceanic fisheries, 11 are in decline.

    Jobs: by 2050, The world will need to create 1.9 billion jobs , all of them
    in developing countries, just to maintain current levels of unemployment.
    More people competing for fewer jobs will deflate wages, especially in
    low-skilled areas; this, in turn, will reduce their ability to buy

    Cropland: Per person, there is less than half the amount of land under
    grain cultivation than in 1950.

    Forests: If the developing world uses paper at the current rate of
    industrial countries, the world's paper production must grow eight-fold.

    Housing: Africas housing needs will triple, within the next 40 years.

    Energy: Energy usage will increase by 361 per cent in Asia, by 2050

    Urbanization: In 2050 The urban population will be 6.5 billion more than
    the current population of the entire world.

    Education: Africa's school-aged population will grow by a projected 75 per

    Waste Half the people in developing counties do not have access to basic
    sanitation. Their cities will add three billion people.

    Meat Production: In 2050, Half of the world's grain production will be
    required for animal feed if the currnt growth of meat consumption continues.

    Income: Just to cover population growth, and maintain current incomes, the
    global economy must expand from 29-trillion US dollards, to over
    47-trillion, by 2050.


    Now, whether you consider this to be junk science or not, that is your
    choice. They do not confirm any political agendas, but are purely
    objective. If you choose to willfully ignore these statistics, than it is
    your perrogative to work against the overall progress of humanity,and
    towards Quality in all its practical, and impractical aspects.


    Matthew Poot

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