Re: MD Sociology affecting the Human via SQ-DQ

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 22:34:41 GMT

  • Next message: Leland Jory: "Re: MD quality religion"


    Sam: How can anyone sympathetic to the MoQ cite 'objective' as a source of
    authority? Surely we need to
     assess the values shaping the analysis, and not relapse into stale SOM
    thinking in this discussion.

    Poot: Ok, I agree.

     SAM: Secondly, you show no familiarity with Bjorn Lomborg's work,
    previously cited. To take just one example, relating to food, the various
    green groups (eg Lester Brown's worldwatch institute) have consistently
    raised threats to the world food supply over the last forty years, with
    alarmist predictions about the food supply running out, and they have just
    as consistently been proven
     mistaken in their predictions. In the last forty years per capita calorie
    consumption worldwide has increased; in the developing world it has
    increased from around 1900 calories per capita in 1960 to around 2600
    calories per capita in 1995, and is projected (by the UN) to rise even
    further in the
     coming years.

    Poot: Well, the key phrase used here: In the developed world.

    In the developed world , or developed countries, we will be much better off
    than most. Our caloric intake has risen, and will keep rising for years to
    come. But, it is this unnecessary glut which causes shortages in other
    places. Think about it....

    SAM: There are no 'objective' facts here. There are clashes of values, of
    more or less significance. They, however, might be worth discussing in this
    forum, rather than the predictions which are largely without value IMHO.

    Poot: Let the discussing begin :-)

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