Re: MD Definition of 'liberal'

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 12:11:10 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Definition of 'liberal'"

    Hi JoVo, Sam, All:

    Sam hits the nail on the head:

    > In essence, 'liberal' in the context of US politics is equivalent to
    > 'socialist' in EU politics.
    JoVo accurately interprets Pirsig:

    >> The
    > > reason to dwell on that is, that I consider it to be as one of Pirsigs
    > > messages in his two books . . .
    > > - that an individual should aim at making independant choices in all his
    > > doings; taking responsibility for what he does. To do so he should get
    > > rid of - or better - should carefully review his opinions to sort out
    > > those, that basically stick to the social and not the intellectual level.
    > > Furthermore, Pirsig pleads for a free market in contrast to a guided
    > > market..

    Pirsig pinpoints socialism's fatal defect:

    "You go to any socialist city and it's always a dull place because there's
    little Dynamic Quality." (Lila-17)

    Case in point: Socialists in Spain capitulating to biological level


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