Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and in some good reads.

Date: Sat Mar 20 2004 - 16:52:57 GMT

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    Hi David,
    Richard Tarnas: Passion of the Western Mind, and Arthur Gibson: God and the
    I wish i had the time to go out and buy and then read these books you kindly
    recommend. But until June i have course stuff to assimilate, (and hopefully
    This caught my eye, as i should imagine you understand: Very strong on
    current state of science, role of beauty and aesthetics in science, metaphorical
    nature of conceptual (r) evolution, etc.
    I will find these and place them on top of my 'to read' pile and not take a
    peak. I can resist anything but temptation. ;)

    All the best,

    Hi All
    I'd like to recommend 2 books to MOQers:
    Richard Tarnas: Passion of the Western Mind, 2,500 years of the history of
    ideas told from the perspective of the rise and fall of dualism. Writes about
    the anti-dualism of Hegel, Schelling, Coleridge, Bergson, Whitehead,
    Jung, Heidegger, Barfield, Goethe, Bergson, Teilhard,
    and good chapter on the conceptual crisis of modern science.
    Arthur Gibson: God and the Universe. Nothing to do with religion but
    anti-secular. Entirely about the philosophy
    of science and an attempt to go beyond post-modernism with an interesting
    challenge to Rorty.
    Puts forward a position of transcendental realism, where the transcendental
    is the context in which
    we can make sense of science, knowledge, experience. This ends up sounding
    very much like DQ
    and would be of interest to any MOQers who have to argue a lot with
    post-moderns and Rorty fans.
    He also suggests the possibility of a cultural renaissance made possible by
    the current cultural position.
    Very strong on current state of science, role of beauty and aesthetics in
    science, metaphorical nature
    of conceptual r/evolution, etc.
    David M

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