From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 20:24:22 GMT
Hi Steve,
> Can you explain what you mean by faith? As I understand the term there
> are three uses: belief, trust, and loyalty. All could apply to
> Christianity.
I'm happy with those three to begin with. I'd probably include decision as well though.
> Is there something that must be believed for the Mass to be mystical?
Yes. "Truly truly I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life...this is
the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die... the bread that I
give for the life of the world is my flesh" (John 6, 47-51) Although we could probably have
entertaining conversations about what it all means!
> > You also equate mysticism with religious experience, which is a
> > Modern (SOMish)
> > mistake.
> How do you distinguish these two?
Are you on MF? I suspect we'll be thrashing this out there. But briefly, I would identify mysticism
with a particular religious 'way' or tradition (and the growth of a person within that tradition).
The idea that it depends on a particular experience (and that it is therefore analogous to taking
drugs or similar) is a product of SOM thinking, mediated most particularly by William James (in
other words I think that the language of 'religious experience' is premised upon subjectivity as one
pole of the SOM system). It also disregards the historical evidence, but that's another story.
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