Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 03:33:17 BST
Platt said:
Goodness gracious. For one who purports to know Rorty's thinking it's inconceivable that you haven't read and absorbed one of his seminal papers....
Gee-wiz Platt. I was hoping that you would catch my reference to Kevin to be an allusion to the fact that I remember (and in fact pin-pointed) our original conversation about Wilde and Rorty and that I still think you are completely wrong about your "reading" of Rorty. That you'd even try to vie for a better scholastic reading of Rorty over me is funny in itself. Face it Platt, you're wrong.
And I don't even know why you'd care to be right. Is Rorty the important part, or is the repudiation of communism? Hmmm, let me take five sec--no I got it already COMMUNISM!
What's more important around here, better ideas or better scholasticism? I've asked that before and I had no takers. Personally, I think better ideas, but I get the feeling that other people would rather be scholastically right about Pirsig than have better ideas, be they Pirsigian or not. We can still have accurate reflections of authorial intention, but between the accurate reflection and a better idea, I'd take the better idea.
So, to make myself clear, even if Rorty did favor communism (which anybody with any familiarity at all with Rorty would know that he does not), I wouldn't care because _I_ do not favor communism, and that's the better idea.
Platt said:
I think this is referred to as the 'politics of personal destruction.' I always took you to be above such ad hominem childishness.
Ya' know, I came to a realization about myself, that this forum actually clarifies. I'm a very nice guy--until provoked, particularly for no good reason. If you're a dick to me, expect the same. If you're willfully stubborn and contrary, don't expect a lot of patience or sympathy. I think my various conversations over the past two years bare that assessment out with stunning accuracy (Sam and Scott on one side, Squonk and DMB on the other).
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