Re: MD culture and basics

Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 23:42:41 BST

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    In a message dated 4/6/04 10:15:28 PM GMT Daylight Time,

    > Hello Mark,
    > Many thanks for helping me on the way. I have now also printed the textbook
    > by Anthony McWatt. Your explanations do help. for the next days and weeks I
    > will be reading a lot. I do like the term tension, it feels right.
    > Being educated in ‘exact’ math I still have the tendency to ‘measure’ and
    > label the world around me. Also I am quit fresh on these topics as I only
    > read ZMM and Lila last year for the first time. I look forward to expanding my
    > knowledge on the subject.
    > Regards,
    > Bart

    Good luck Bart!
    I think you will discover in Anthony McWatt's work a great deal that should
    help you enormously.
    All the best,
    Mark :)

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