Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)

Date: Sun Apr 11 2004 - 22:46:03 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    PART 1.

    Hi Mark,

    > There is no Eudaemonic level in the MoQ, as you know well.

    Which is why I have always tried to make clear the difference between my
    conception and the
    'standard' MoQ. I am explicitly proposing a change - a variant type of MoQ,
    and the change is, I
    would argue, comparatively minor. (It keeps what I see as the major building
    blocks of the MoQ
    completely intact). I see that as a legitimate endeavour, especially within
    this forum. Do you
    consider it illegitimate? If so, are we only allowed exegesis of the sacred
    text or are we permitted
    to explore variations to Scripture?

    Mark 11-4-04: Hello Sam, you suggest your variant MoQ makes minor changes to
    the standard MoQ. However, it would appear your changes allow for the
    1. Heaven.
    2. Resurrection to immortal life in Heaven.
    3. Virgin birth.
    4. Miracles.
    I do not find these changes minor.

    > The MoQ does not need it.

    I disagree.

    Mark 11-4-04: So would Christianity. This explains why you disagree.

    > In MoQ terms, your development is an attempt to encapsulate the
    > level in Social dress, and is therefore a continuation of a historical
    > struggle between the social function of the church and intellectual
    freedom. In this
    > regard your tinkering is low Quality Intellectual value.

    For various reasons which I've gone into _ad nauseam_ I reject 'intellectual'
    as a coherent
    description of the fourth level.

    Mark 11-4-04: Many people who are not Christians and who have spent a great
    deal of time studying philosophy and the MoQ do not reject an intellectual
    level of the MoQ. That these people do not feel it quite necessary to 'go into it
    ad nauseam' should not delude you into believing you are being persuasive.

    If anything I'm trying to describe the necessity to have a social
    level which allows the fourth level to flourish. Whether that represents 'low
    Quality Intellectual
    value' is partly a matter of opinion, partly a matter of begging the question
    at issue. Any chance
    you could offer a more substantive objection? Simply to describe what I'm
    doing as social level vs
    intellectual level is a meaningless rhetorical gesture unless you can justify
    the claim.

    Mark 11-4-04: I know from our previous (brief) discussions that your
    understanding of what the good life is, is based on religious belief. The good life,
    in your understanding, must be broadly compatible with Christian beliefs. My
    understanding of the good life is not based upon Christian beliefs, but on an
    enquiry into Quality. That enquiry involves the free range of intellectual
    activity, and affirms intellectual activity to be derived from Quality.
    However, you begin with a conformity and then shape what intellect would have
    to be in order to affirm that conformity.
    The above i feel to be a reasoned argument and not rhetorical gesturing, and
    any question begging begins and ends with your beliefs Sam.

    > Christians, like all those who adhere to rigid static social patterns,

    I find this 'globalising' mode of argument vacuous. It's a bit like saying,
    'people, like all those
    who adhere to rigid static biological patterns' when the point at issue is
    whether 'people'
    describes biological or social entities (or some other combination).

    Mark 11-4-04: The statement, 'People, like all those who adhere to rigid
    static biological patterns' is not vacuous, it is accurate. All people adhere to
    Biological patterns of value, and these patterns are, from an evolutionary
    perspective, very static.
    The statement, 'Christians, like all those who adhere to rigid static social
    patterns,' is similarly not vacuous: Christianity IS a range of static social
    patterns of value.

    Similarly all you've achieved
    with this point is to assert a prejudice, that a Christian is someone lacking
    intellect. Forgive me
    if I find that naive - at best.

    Mark 11-4-04: Christianity also includes a range of Intellectual values. Your
    problem is accommodating social and Intellectual values into a coherent
    relationship. You do this by experiencing the need to make what you term, 'minor
    changes' to the standard MoQ. But the MoQ doesn't need it, but you disagree, and
    why do you disagree?
    And here we go again, around the Mulberry bush...

    > Christians, like all those who adhere to rigid static social patterns, must
    > form a coherent relationship with DQ.

    What counts as a 'coherent' relationship? Are you saying it needs to be

    Mark 11-4-04: A coherent patterned relationship is self supporting in the
    MoQ. That is to say, it does not require a witness watching in order to convey
    meaning. Such a relationship may cohere in a static repertoire of intellectual
    patterns of value; a repertoire which is evolving in the event stream towards
    The witness Christians require in order to convey meaning to everything is
    In order for you to be able to exist in a self supporting relationship of
    this nature, you, as Spinoza suggests, would have to be an attribute and
    therefore included in the being of God.
    If you move along this line of argument, you may find yourself developing a
    description of God which becomes indistinguishable from DQ? No changes, 'minor'
    or otherwise required.

    > This may be done well, or poorly.

    Yes..... and?

    Mark 11-4-04: I'm glad you ask this question, because i, at least, find it
    exceptionally fascinating. You see, what i'm suggesting it that 'Art' comes
    before your description of the MoQ. You have developed what you regard as a
    version of the MoQ which serves your patterning, and this activity may be done well
    or poorly, but the art of your endeavour is prior to the endeavour itself -
    Quality. In fact, the 'standard' MoQ tells us this! That is another reason why
    your changes are harmful.


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