MD SQ-SQ Coherence and the Armed Forces.

Date: Sat Apr 24 2004 - 01:07:56 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "MD Religion of the future."

    In a message dated 4/23/04 10:13:34 PM GMT Daylight Time,

    > When I was learning close-order drill in basic training in the army after
    > being drafted, I was worried. I kept dropping my rifle and had to do push
    > ups for plunishment. My drill instructor informed me that my body would
    > learn the maneuvers after practicing. I graduated from basic training.

    Hello Joe,
    I find this interesting. Please forgive me if i don't follow up your wish to
    analyse David M's goal at this moment?
    A nephew of mine recently joined the British Air Force. He went off to do his
    basic training, and came away with a passing out video of his ceremony upon
    Here he was, a boy, wearing an ill fitting uniform, handling a riffle too
    heavy for his years, basking in the pride of his parents, and a ceremony
    conferring social status. My nephew has more social status now than i think i may ever
    While watching the passing out ceremony, (and being the weird one of the
    family who doesn't ever seem to enjoy these occasions as much as he is expected
    to), i focused in on the square bashing and music. I remembered the Ancient
    Greeks, possibly the Spartans, were directed in battle by a musician who,
    'Orchestrated' battle moves from a vantage point at the rear.
    Discipline. Rhythm. Beats. Order. Ceremony. Repetition. Conformity.
    Authority. Lines. Pride. Display. March. Status. Uniform. Rank.
    It's all biological and social patterning?
    It's raw Social coherence.
    Music is so Dynamic and yet here it is crystallised into a particle aspect?
    One of the tunes played by the brass band was, 'Those magnificent men in
    their flying machines.' That bass drum kicks! That rhythm is so tight. It grabs
    hold of you and locks you in.
    The professionalism of the musicians; horns contorting the wobbling motion of
    the inexperienced aviator just as effectively as Schubert ever connoted the
    Trout? These guys may not be the most savage fighters, but the army demands of
    them discipline and skill to order time and space for the ranks - that
    wobbling aircraft wobbles in perfect time, it's just the notes that give you that
    impression, never the timing!
    That's the extent of the Skill.

    And when it is presented before the enemy, the enemy dies.


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