RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: storeyd (
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 20:19:39 BST

  • Next message: storeyd: "RE: MD Quality evil destruction contingency"

    David M,
    Good points; you highlight the virtue and the vice of postmodernism, that it
    shows the contingency of the social level, the relativity of contexts, that SQ
    is not and couldn't possibly be the whole story; however, the prominent
    pomo's--like foucault, derrida, and richard rorty, leave us in the
    desert...they diagnose the problem to a T, but they put nothing positive in
    its place. deconstruction is the ultimate in "negative philosophy", its pure
    criticism, and can't help us escape teh gravitational pull of modern
    secularity. in this respect, postmodernism opens up the danger of a greater
    regression and seclusion in the ego, even as it shows the the self's
    contingency. but yes, now that everything has been taken apart, we can
    reconstruct it...and that means we can bring spirituality, quality, value,
    meaning, depth, etc., back into the picture, and integrate it within both a
    philosophical and scientific context. this will take time, of course, but it
    is certainly going to be the thrust of thought in the 21st century, which
    should hopefully see the decline of postmodernism's dominance, and a
    recognition and preservation of its valuable insights.

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