RE: MD "biological" crime

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 03:03:08 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD "biological" crime"

    msh wrote:
    But David, you've forgotten Platt's definition of "Terrorism": A
    deliberate attack against a defenseless civilian population in an
    attempt to influence that population's government, unless such
    actions are carried out by the US or any of its allies.

    dmb says:
    Once again you are correct, sir. As its stated in the patriot's handbook, it
    doesn't count as terrorism when innocent civilians killed by expensive,
    technologically sophisticated weapons like ours. Nor does it count as
    terrorism if they're "commies" or "terrorists" or anything else our God
    doesn't like. Because this is a war of good and evil and there's no way in
    hell there could ever be anything evil in me. And anyone who says otherwise
    ought to be killed like a germ.

    Now, I shall take my biological self out for some beer and poker.


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