RE: MD "biological" crime

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 16:09:33 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD weapons of mass destruction"

    Hi all,

    On 23 May 2004 at 9:55, Platt Holden wrote:

    MSH writes:

    > Here, it might be useful to reiterate Platt's understanding of
    > Terrorism: Deliberate attacks against defenseless civilian
    > populations in an attempt to achieve political ends, unless such
    > attacks are carried out by the US or any of its allies.

    Wrong (as usual). Platt's understanding of terrorism is the same as

    "The idea that biological crimes can be ended by intellect alone,
    that you can talk crime to death, doesn't work. Intellectual patterns
    cannot directly control biological patterns. Only social patterns can
    control biological patterns, and the instrument of conversation
    between society and biology is not words. The instrument of
    conversation between society and biology has always been a policeman
    or a soldier and his gun." (Lila, 24)

    msh says:
    This little quote is Platt's justification for his kill-em-all-like-
    germs interpretation of the MOQ. Since this quote was thoroughly
    analyzed in context, and Platt's interpretation dismantled, in our
    exchanges earlier this month, it would be a waste of time to do it
    again here. It's in the archives, or will be when my last response
    is online.

    ph said:
    You can only defeat criminals (invaders and terrorists) by meeting
    them on their own terms. MSH, DMB and others who share their radical
    left views would rather sit down and chit-chat over a couple of beers
    with Bin Laden like Chamberlain tried with Hitler and Roosevelt with
    Stalin. The folly of such appeasement, and the truth of Pirsig's
    insight, has been borne out by history.

    msh says:
    Nonsense, of course. I don't even like beer. As we've seen, Platt's
    understanding of Pirsig's truth approaches zero, at least insofar as
    the MOQ is applied to political reality.

    The question remains: Why is killing 3000 civilians in NYC an act
    of terror, while killing 10000 civilians in Iraq is not? Try to
    answer, without calling Rush Limbaugh please.

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