Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society.

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 14:57:32 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society."

    In a post addressed to me, MSH writes:
    > I think the group would appreciate it if
    > you'd develop and support your ideas, rather than just obstruct what
    > I am hoping will be a constructive discussion.

    I'm hoping for a constructive discussion, too. Why don't you develop and
    support your ideas that you posted previously. In case anyone has forgotten,
    here they are:

    I'd like to end by throwing out a few examples of what might be
    considered immoral institutions (ii), for your qualification and
    comment, of course. Again, add your own.

      ii1) A law against smoking crack
      ii2) A law against assisted suicide
      ii3) A law against same sex marriages
      ii4) Laws granting human rights to corporations
      ii5) Corporations themselves
      ii6) Capital punishment
      ii7) Prisoner torture for information
      ii8) Use of public airwaves for private profit
      ii9) Selling life-saving medical services for private profit
     ii10) Selling life-sustaining services for private profit
        (Water, air, subsistence food, clothing, shelter)



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