Fwd: MD "biological" crime

From: Adam Watt (adamwatt@mac.com)
Date: Tue Jun 01 2004 - 16:50:34 BST

  • Next message: Adam Watt: "Re: MD Noam Chomsky"

    > On Sunday, May 23, 2004, at 07:05 pm, Platt Holden wrote:
    >> MSH asks:
    >>> The question remains: Why is killing 3000 civilians in NYC an act
    >>> of terror, while killing 10000 civilians in Iraq is not? Try to
    >>> answer, without calling Rush Limbaugh please.
    >> I agree with you and your fellow travelers at CNN and NPR that we
    >> should put
    >> Saddam back in power so he can resume slaughtering hundreds of
    >> thousands of
    >> his own people not to mention killing thousands of Kuwaites.
    >> Platt
    > Hello - It says.. TRY TO ANSWER PLEASE. You didn't. Again. Also,
    > people are not germs, not in the MOQ, or anywhere bar perhaps rabid
    > right-wing rhetoric...

      The question still remains.. maybe if you read Chomsky you'll be able
    to answer, Platt. Doesn't look as if you are now..
    > regards,
    > Adam
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