Date: Tue Jun 01 2004 - 19:02:35 BST
On 1 Jun 2004 at 9:35, wrote:
You strike me as impatient and angry. I feel you have every reason to
feel ashamed to be an American. But please don't be ashamed; no one
is blaming Mark H for his country's horrors; you don't have to carry
the guilt of your country's atrocious behaviour.
msh says:
Whoa, whoa now. I think you need to read back into my previous
posts. You'll see there my precise distinction between my feelings
for my country and my feelings for what is done by its corporate
controlled government. I said, and can strongly argue, that in many
ways America IS the greatest country in the world. I'm far from
ashamed of being an American.
Mark 1-6-04: Hello Mark H, This Mark M Mark H thing is a bit tedious isn't
Re: Greatest country in the World. Well, this is one of the problems isn't
it? Because The USA isn't one country is it? To describe the USA as 'the
whatever country' generates a value trap of sorts. There appear to be many America's
from where i stand.
Many of the most valuable Social and Intellectual patterns in the USA have
been born in repression and commodified by static industrial institutions. I am
thinking of Jazz for example? African Americans have for the past 150 years
been the Dynamic force behind American music, and yet there was severe
discrimination as recent as 40 years ago. And it goes on today.
White USA citizens will be the minority by 2010, but they will still run the
As for the anger and impatience stuff, well, maybe a little. But you
might want to consider easing off the Psych 101 analysis, it's a
little condescending, and mildly annoying.
Mark 1-6-04: We are all analysts. To deny this aspect of our nature and defer
it to specialists may be a SOM-ish way of viewing experience Mark H?
If i may continue with my analysis, i find you to be one who cares. This,
more than almost anything else makes you a commendable Human being in my view. It
may be because you care that you bother to be so energetic about those issues
which you find in need of attention? I read your 70th Birthday wish to Noam
Chomsky last night. I know you care.
I apologise if i have been condescending Mark H.
MarkM said:
When change comes, it will come from an unexpected source; a film,
book or movement. The US may be in a proto-totalitarian state, but
young American artists and those honest Intellectuals like Noam
Chomsky are a force to be reckoned with. These people value more than
the trap has to offer.
msh says:
Well said. And I agree.
Best wishes,
Mark Steven Heyman
Mark 1-6-04: And to you. :)
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