Re: The U.S. and WWII [was Re: MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.]

From: Adam Watt (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 17:49:46 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: Fwd: MD "biological" crime"

    On Thursday, June 3, 2004, at 04:46 pm, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi Leland,
    >> On Jun 2, 2004, at 19:21, Platt Holden wrote:
    >>> Not only is this false, but it bears no relevance to the Americans
    >>> who
    >>> died to defeat the Axis in WWII. Why do you attempt to belittle what
    >>> the
    >>> U.S. did to free Europe from the Fascist and Communist boots? Maybe
    >>> you
    >>> and Chomsky ought to the concentration camps and look long and hard
    >>> at
    >>> those ovens.
    >> Er, Platt. Not to stir the pot or anything but the US only joined WWII
    >> because it was brought to their back door. Remember Pearl Harbor?
    >> Prior to
    >> that, the US was perfectly happy to stay out of it. They were FORCED
    >> into
    >> participating.
    >> Most of the Allied forces declared war on Germany within 10 days of
    >> the
    >> invasion of Poland (most were involved by Sept. 10, 1939. The US
    >> didn't
    >> jump in until Dec. 8th, 1941. That's 2 long years of war that the US
    >> was
    >> indifferent about).
    >> Now, the US did do great things to aid in the removal of Fascist
    >> dictators once they became involved, but my feeling is their
    >> contribution was a grudging one that only came because their pride was
    >> wounded in that December 7th sneak attack.
    > Agree. The U.S. should have made a preemptive strike on Germany in the
    > 1930's as soon as it became evident Hitler was intent on world
    > domination.
    > But due to lack of leadership on the part of FDR, we didn't. But, none
    > of
    > that detracts from what the U.S. did to save Europe from both the
    > Nazies
    > and the Commies.
    > Regards,
    > Platt

    lol, you are funny. 'Their lack of appreciation is appalling'. Who's
    'they'? What do you want? Do you think the U.S did this out of charity?

    Yours in amusement,

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