Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 20:22:01 BST
In einer eMail vom 02.06.2004 19:38:39 Pazifik Sommerzeit schreibt
> Fascism and big business go hand in hand, from the totalitarian structure
> of
> corporations, to state supported business subsidy, state adventurism
> and market/resource expansion, state intervention in crushing labor
> movements. It's a match made in heaven.
Then why does the word "state" pop up so much more often than the word
"business" in this post? The fact is that any concentration of power, minus
transparency and accountability, will lead to tyrany. Why single out "big business"?
I'd argue that big business in the form of corporations provides a
democratic opportunity for shareholders (especially civic-minded shareholders like the
California state employee pension system CALPERS) to take an interest in a
company, demand transparency, and influence accountability. The comingling of
state and enterprise is just as bad as the comingling of state and religion. Is
this what you're saying, or are you saying something more case-specific?
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