Re: MD Ronald Reagan

From: Adam Watt (
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 13:57:04 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Ronald Reagan"

    Is this a joke?

    On Sunday, June 6, 2004, at 01:38 pm, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi Jon,
    > I agree whole-heartedly with your reminder of Ronald Reagan's
    > greatness.
    > He was instrumental in saving Western civilization from Communist
    > dreams
    > of world domination, both in Europe and in South America.
    > There are still those among the intellectual elite who hate Reagan for
    > defeating Marxist-Leninism and preserving, as you so succinctly put it,
    > "free thought," without which "freedom" is an empty word.
    > To "progressives" Reagan was characterized as an empty-headed "cowboy,"
    > the same epithet they now use to describe President Bush who is
    > continuing
    > Reagan's legacy of defeating tyrannies and freeing millions to think
    > and
    > speak without fear. Thanks to such leadership, the intellectual level
    > fares well.
    > Best regards,
    > Platt
    >> It's easy to forget, even for people who lived through it in their
    >> younger
    >> years, the Cold War. The Soviet Union represented the gravest
    >> continuous
    >> threat to free thought in history. Static Patterns at their most
    >> deadly.
    >> The national mood in the late 1970s wasn't that great, especially in
    >> the
    >> wake of the Iranian hostage crisis. Many felt America had lost its
    >> ability--indeed its very will--to influence world events. The Soviet
    >> war
    >> machine rolled into Afghanistan and there was no end to the Cold War
    >> in
    >> sight. Ronald Reagan is generally recognized as the man most directly
    >> responsible for the shameless rebirth of American pride and patriotism
    >> which unfurled across the United States like an enormous flag during
    >> the 8
    >> years of his presidency. A former lifeguard, Reagan in many ways
    >> rescued
    >> the nation from a time of poisonous self-doubt. We stand safely on
    >> shore
    >> now, out of harm's to think in our own way, free to love
    >> in our
    >> own way, free to lose in our own way...and as the Old Lifeguard swims
    >> off
    >> into the sunset, let us remember how he inspired a nation that needed
    >> inspiration. Let's go out and win one for the Gipper. He won one for
    >> the
    >> world.
    >> Jon
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