From: Paul Vogel (
Date: Thu Jun 10 2004 - 21:16:34 BST
Dear Johnny moral and Marsha,
I too had seen Mindwalk, after Dan Glover had suggested it to me, and it was
quite excellent!
However, I have yet to read the book, "The Turning Point", on which it was
The four levels of Hierarchy within the MOQ reflects the natural
evolutionary movement
from the simplicity of the BIG BANG to the complexity of LIFE and
A perfect merging of the TRUTH-SEEKING ideals of the physicist, poet, and
can be found within the religion/philosophy of COSMOTHEISM:
and which is based upon an ancient Classical Pantheism and which is also
Pan-Psychic and Teleological in outlook.
We Humans and all of LIFE and all of the COSMOS are inter-connected and
within a PROBABLE REALITY of our own Co-CREATION, and within the greater
of the COSMOS as a WHOLE.
The MOQ is a useful METAPHYSICAL and MORAL BASIS for the religion/philosophy
of COSMOTHEISM, regardless of what some others may selfishly and reactively
subjectively feel about that fact.
Best regards,
Paul Vogel
PS-A slandered TRUE COSMOTHEIST that has recently returned here to set the
record straight.
>From: "johnny moral" <>
>Subject: Re: MD Statesman?
>Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:26:26 +0000
>Greetings, Marsha,
>>But there's a movie called Mindwalk that deeply moves me... The movie is
>>a dialogue between a politician, a physicist, and a poet. It's based on
>>Fritjof Capra's book 'Turning Point'. It suggests we look at the
>>world/existence as being made of interconnected systems and patterns of
>That sounds right on to me, can you tell me more? About the movie, and
>also your thoughts on interconnected systems and patterns of probability.
>>I want to keep my mind open to both hierarctical and interconnectedness.
>Maybe it is heirarchical authority you don't like? Or the idea that a
>"higher" moral pattern is "more moral" than a "lower" one?
>>P.S. I just reread this email. The contradiction is that I start by
>>saying hierarchy is successful, and end by saying it's unsuccessful. I'm
>>going to admit the contradiction, and let it stand.
>Bravo! I think there is room for contradictions, being a slave to
>presenting a consistent front is stifling. There are so many
>interconnected systems, and so many values. It would be very improbable,
>actually, for anything to be wholly successful or wholly unsuccessful.
>PS, Gaugin in Tahiti was kind of monotonous, huh? That's what I felt
>anyway. I liked his carvings though. Did you see the "junk art" exhibit
>downstairs, by Sue Webster and Tim Noble? I really liked that pile of junk
>that formed the shadow on the wall of the two men sitting down. And the
>cheesy shining dollar sign was impressive to me, too.
>Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers!
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