RE: MD Ronald Reagan

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Jun 12 2004 - 23:18:16 BST

  • Next message: Harry L. Stille: "Don`t worry, be happy!"

    Hi all,

    Platt's right. When we resort to name-calling, no matter how
    understandable the impulse, our argument and credibility is

    But Platt is wrong when he attributes this behavior to all "liberals"
    or to "liberals" exclusively; and he's wrong when he attributes it to
    ALL argument offered by DBM or Adam or any other individual. In
    fact, in the six weeks or so I've been reading these posts, name-
    calling is relatively rare and has been directed at or COMING FROM
    one particular individual, which is something to think about, no?

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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