MD the fourth level

From: gav (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 12:14:29 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Notes on Beauty, Art and DQ"

    hello all,

    some might remember my postings a couple years back.
    for those that don't my name is gavin and i am an
    aussie nee pommy (was born in england), but i usually
    prefer to forego national identification (for both
    idealistic and practical reasons).
     my academic background is science and philosophy but
    over the past year i have been working on a community
    permaculture farm in brisbane. future posts will no
    doubt expand on my experiences there.
    okay enough of the introductions.

    i read sam norton's essay on the eudaimonic fourth
    level and found much of interest. i realise that i may
    be coming late to the party on this one but i wondered
    if robert himself had anything to say about this
    suggested modification.
    i would also like to suggest an alternative name for
    the fourth level in keeping with much of sam's
    sentiment (at least my interpretation threof anyway):
    the existential.

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