Re: MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers

From: Paul Vogel (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 16:22:04 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers"

    >From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Cosmotheism
    >Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 15:31:34 -0700
    >I think I've found the answer re Cosmotheism's value ranking of men.
    >This three passages are form the second Holy Book, called "On Living
    >Thus are men ranked in value: First in value are those with Divine
    >Consciousness; they are those who walk the Path of Life with sure
    >foresight; they are those who have crossed the threshold from man to
    >higher man; they are those who serve the Creator's Purpose in full
    >consciousness that they are of the Creator and in full knowledge of
    >the way in which they serve; they are the Awakened Ones.
    >[msh says:
    >So the Awakened Ones are of the highest value.]

    Exactly. :D

    >Next in value are those of goodwill and awakening consciousness; they
    >are those who strive for Divine Consciousness; they are those of the
    >Cosmotheist Community.

    Yes. :D
    >[msh says:
    >Next come others in the "Community" who haven't quite awakened.]
    >After them are all those of the stock from which the Awakened Ones
    >arise, those of the same race-soul; for they collectively, are the
    >reservoir in which higher man has his origin and from which he draws
    >his replacements.
    >msh says:
    >Ok, now we're getting somewhere.
    What race-soul do you suppose is
    >the "stock from which the Awakened Ones arise?"

    Every "stock" has a "race-soul" from which the Awakened Ones can arise.
    It is the duty of every "stock" to cultivate their own "race-soul" from
    the Awakened Ones can arise.
    >Was Ronald Reagan of that stock? How about Ray Charles?

    Yes, each was a member of their own unique respective "stocks",
    and each had a corresponding duty to cultivate their own unique
    and respective "race-souls" from which the Awakened Ones can arise.
    >Comments, MOQers?
    >Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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