From: Paul Vogel (
Date: Wed Jun 16 2004 - 16:12:08 BST
>From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
>Subject: Re: MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers
>Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 13:44:58 -0700
>On 15 Jun 2004 at 19:10, Paul Vogel wrote:
>Some "unique respective stocks" are naturally inherently higher in
>value than are some others, mostly due to evolution and to natural
Of course, this is just a "misquote", as you had just edited and
had censored and had taken the Cosmotheist specific meaning
of "value" here just completely out of context. :D
>msh says:
>And by "unique respective stocks" you mean the different races of
>humanity, Black, White, Asian, Native American, etc.
Yes, as well as, the "unique respective stocks" of ALL LIFE, that do vary
in value in respect to their own inherent potential to serve as being the
actual means of the COSMOS own SELF-ACTUALIZATION in GODHOOD.
Now, here's the
>definition of "Racism" from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
>Main Entry: rac·ism
>Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
>Function: noun
>1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and
>capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent
>superiority of a particular race.
The first half of the definition given above is just a scientific fact
as "race" or "genetic stock" is the actual primary determinant
of both Human and of non-Human life's traits and capacities.
The second half only describes "an absolute superiority",
which is obviously false as "superiority" is only "relative".
The inherent "superiority" of any particular "race" or "genetic stock"
is not absolute, but is strictly and only relative to any given and to
any specifically-defined and measurable traits or capacities.
>msh continues:
>Therefore, any system of belief that promotes the idea that one race
>is inherently superior to another IS RACIST. Q.E.D.
No, any system of belief that promotes the idea that one race
is absolutely inherently superior to another IS RACIST but NOT
one that can prove relative superiority in any specifically-defined
and measurable traits or capacities!!!
For example:
The system of belief that promotes the idea that JEWS are
the one race that is absolutely inherently superior to all others
and alone are "GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE" or alone are "HUMAN"
Cosmotheism is NOT RACIST, as the first half of your definition
is just a proven and scientific fact, and the second half just does
NOT APPLY, as true Cosmotheists do recognize that any so-called
inherent "superiority" is always only strictly relative to any specifically-
defined and measurable traits or capacities.
>Thanks for getting it on the record.
You are most welcome! :D
Best regards,
Paul Vogel
>Mark Steven Heyman
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