From: Paul Vogel (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 19:19:49 BST
Hello Everyone,
Such arguements below are totally bogus, as Humans also share almost 98% of
our genes
with Chimps!
A small difference, percentage-wise in genes, still makes for quite huge
in mental and physical abilities and in behaviors!
Here are some more "scientific studies" from A-Z that confirm the genetic
and biological basis
for "race" and for "racial differences":
Baughman, E. and Dahlstrom, W. 1968. Negro and White Children: A
psychological study in theRural South. New York: Academic Press
Bouchard, T. J. Jr., Lykken, D. T., McGue, M., Segal, N. L., &
Tellegen, A. (1990). Sources of human psychological differences: The
study of twins reared apart. Science, 250, 223-228.
Brand, C. R., 1996, The 'g' Factor, Chichester, UK Wiley
Brody, N. (1992). Intelligence. New York: Academic Press.
Broman, S. H., Nichols, P. L., Kennedy, W. A. 1975 Pre-school IQ.
York: J. Wiley.
Broman, S. H., Nichols, P. L., Shaughnessey, P. and Kennedy, W. 1987
Retardation in Young Children. Hillsdale New Jersey: Lawrence
Buj, V. 1981 Average IQ values in various European countries.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2, 168-169
Clark, E. A. & Hanisee, J. (1982). Intellectual and adaptive
performance of Asian children in adoptive American settings.
Psychology, 18, 595-599.
Coley, Richard J. 2002. "An Uneven Start: Indicators of Inequality
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Educational Testing Service Report, March.
Coleman, James, and others. 1966. Equality of Educational
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Currie, Janet, and Duncan Thomas. 1995. "Race, Children's Cognitive
Achievement, and The
Bell Curve." University of California, Los Angeles.
Eysenck, H. J. 1971 Race, intelligence and education. London: Temple
Frydman, M. and Lynn, R. 1989 The intelligence of Korean children
adopted in Belgium. Personality and Individual Differences, 10, 1323-
Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. (1994). The Bell Curve. New York:
Hitchcock, D. C., Oliver, L. I., Intellectual Development and School
Achievement of Youths 12-17 Years: Demographic and Socioeconomic
Factors.December 1976 (HRA) 77-1640. P88-2287113.
Jensen, A. R. and Inouye, A. R. 1980 Level I and Level II abilities
Asian, white and black children. Intelligence. 4, 41-49.
Jensen, A. R., Reynolds, C. R. 1982 Race, social class and ability
patterns on the WISC-R. Personality and Individual Differences, 3,
Jensen, A. R. & Johnson, F. W. (1994). Race and sex differences in
size and IQ. Intelligence, 18, 309-333.
Jensen, A. R. (1985). The nature of the black-white differences on
various psychometric tests: Spearman's hypothesis. Behavioral and
Sciences, 8, 193-219.
Lynn, R. 1977 The intelligence of the Chinese and Malays in
The Mankind Quarterly. 18, 125-128.
Lynn, R. 1977 The intelligence of the Japanese. Bulletin of the
Psychological Society, 30, 69-72.
Lynn, R. 1987 The intelligence of the Mongoloids: a psychometric,
evolutionary and neurological theory. Personality and Individual
Differences. 8, 813-844.
Lynn, R. 1990 The role of nutrition in secular increases in
intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences. 11, 273-285.
Intelligence in China. Social Behaviour and Personality to appear.
Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. 1986 Further evidence on the cognitive
abilities of the Japanese: data from the WPPSI. International
Journal of
Behavioural Developments 10, 23-36.
Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. 1986 Intellectual abilities of Japanese
children: an assessment of 2½-8½ year olds derived from the McCarthy
of Children's Abilities Intelligence. 10, 41-58.
Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. 1986 The structure of Japanese abilities:
analysis in terms of the hierarchical model of intelligence Current
Psychological Research and Reviews, 4, 309-322.
Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. 1986 The rise of national intelligence:
evidence from Britain, Japan and the United States. Personality and
Individual Differences, 7, 23-32.
Lynn, R. (1991) Race Differences in Intelligence: A Global
The Mankind Quarterly, 31, 254-296
Lynn, R. (1994). The intelligence of Ethiopian immigrant and Israeli
adolescents. International Journal of Psychology, 29, 55-56.
Lynn, R. (1996). Racial and ethnic differences in intelligence in
United States on the Differential Ability Scale. Personality and
Individual Differences, 20, 271-273.
Lynn, R., Hampson, S. and Bingham, R. 1987 Japanese, British and
American adolescents compared for Spearman's g and for the verbal,
and visio-spatial abilities. Psychologia. 30, 137-144.
Lynn, R., Hampson, S. L. and Iwawaki, S. 1987 Abstract reasoning and
spatial abilities among American, British and Japanese adolescents.
Mankind Quarterly. 27, 397-434.
Lynn, R., Pagliari, C. and Chan, J. 1988 Intelligence in Hong Kong
measured for Spearman's g and the visuo-spatial and verbal primaries
Intelligence. 12, 423-433.
Maqsud, M. 1980 Extraversion, neuroticism, intelligence and academic
achievement in Northern Nigeria. British Journal of Educational
Psychology. 50., 71-73.
Miele, F. (1979). Cultural bias in the WISC. Intelligence, 3, 49-164.
Montie, J. E. and Fagan, J. F. 1988 Racial differences in IQ: item
analysis of the Stanford-Binet at 3 years. Intelligence, 12, 315-
Naglieri, J. and Jensen, A. R. 1987 Comparison of black-white
differences on the WISC-R and the K-ABC: Spearman's hypothesis.
11, 21-43.
Nagoshi, C. T. and Johnson, R. C. 1987 Cognitive abilities profiles
Caucasian vs. Japanese subjects in the Hawaii family study of
cognition. Personality and Individual Differences 8, 581-583.
Neisser, U. et al., 1996, Intelligence: knowns and unknowns,
Psychologist, 51:77-101.
Notcutt, B. 1950 The measurement of Zulu intelligence. Journal of
Social Research. 1, 195-206.
Owen, K. 1989 Test and item bias: the suitability of Junior Aptitude
Test as a common test battery for white, Indian and black pupils in
Standard 7. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council.
Owen, K. (1992). The suitability of Raven's Standard Progressive
Matrices for various groups in South Africa. Personality and
Differences, 13, 149-159.
Peoples, C., Fagan, J., Drotar, D. "The Influence of Race on 3- year-
old Children's Performance on the Stanford- Binet: Fourth Edition,"
Intelligence 21 (1995);
Reschly, D. J. and Jipson, F. J. 1976 Ethnicity, geographical
age, sex and urban-rural residence as variables in the prevalence of
mild retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 81, 154-161.
Reynolds, C. R. and Jensen, A. R. 1983 WISC-R subscale patterns of
abilities of blacks and whites matched on full scale IQ. Journal of
Educational Psychology. 75, 207-214.
Scarr, Sandra. 1981. Race, Social Class and Individual Differences
I. Q. Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Pub.
Scarr, S., Caparulo, B. K., Ferdman, B. M., Tower, R. B. and Caplan,
1983 Developmental status and school achievements of minority and
non-minority children from birth to 18 years in a British Midlands
British journal of Developmental Psychology. 1, 31-48.
Scott, Ralph. 1987. "Gender and Race Achievement Profiles of Black
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Students," Journal of Psycholgy, 121(6): 629-634.
Shigehisa, T. and I,ynn, R. 1991 Reaction times and intelligence in
Japanese children. International Journal of Psychology, 00, 000-000.
Shuey, A. M. 1966 The Testing of Negro Intelligence. New York,
Science Press.
Sinha, U. 1968 The use of Raven's Progressive Matrices in India.
Educational Review, 3, 75-88.
Stevenson, H. W., Stigler, J. W., Lee, S., Lucker, G. W., Kitanawa,
and Hsu, C. 1985 Cognitive performance and academic achievement of
Japanese, Chinese and American children. Child Development. 56, 718-
Weinberg, R. A., Scarr, S., & Waldman, I. D. (1992). The Minnesota
Transracial Adoption Study: A follow-up of IQ test performance at
adolescence. Intelligence, 16, 117-135.
Weinberg, W. A,, Dietz, S. G., Penick, E, C. and McAlister, W. H.
Intelligence, reading achievement, physical size and social class.
Journal of Paediatrics, 85, 482-489.
Weyl, N. 1969 Some comparative performance indexes of American
minorities. The Mankind Quarterly. 9, 106-128.
Wober, M. 1969 The meaning and stability of Raven's Matrices Test
Africans. International Journal of Psychology, 4, 229-235.
Zindi, F. (1994). Differences in psychometric performance. The
Psychologist, 7, 549-552.
Best regards,
Paul Vogel
PS-Also see the links to "Seven Dumb Ideas About Race" mentioned earlier! :D
>From: "Platt Holden" <>
>Subject: Re: MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers- for the Record
>Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 10:10:15 -0400
>Hi All
>MSH writes
> > Here's the full relevant quote:
> > "Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that
> > most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial
> > groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one
> > another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is
> > greater variation within "racial" groups than between them."
> >
> > What this is saying is that variation in physical appearance within
> > so-called "racial" groupings is MUCH GREATER than physical variation
> > between "racial" groups. In other words, people who divide humanity
> > into separate groups based on appearance, have NO scientific reason
> > for doing so. As the rest of the AAA paper points out, the division
> > was made, and continues to be upheld, for social reasons, and not
> > very pretty ones.
>They base their argument on genetic differences. Why else would they begin
>by saying "Evidence from the analysis of genetics . . ." They also apply
>the percentages directly to genes as in the phrase, " . . . in about 6% of
>their genes."
>MSH continues:
> > But there is NO scientific support for the idea,
> > say, that members of any one "race" are less intelligent or more prone
> > aggression than members of a different "race."
>Except for the "The Bell Curve," supported by a public statement signed by
>52 internationally known experts on intelligence published in the Wall St.
>Journal 12/13/94? Check it out at:
>So, the assertion "There is NO scientific support . . ." is wrong, unless
>one means by "scientific support" only that which ratifies previously held
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