RE: MD Maxwell's "Coherence" and the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 10:52:02 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Maxwell's "Coherence" and the MOQ"

    Hello DMB, Mark

    I think Mark is the best person to answer your question, but I'll give
    you a *very* brief summary of my understanding of his key ideas. Mark,
    please correct me if I'm wrong.

    First, I think Mark proposes that the meanings of "coherent" and
    "coherence" are extended to become philosophic terms.

    Merriam-Webster defines them as such:

    Function: adjective
    1a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

    Function: noun
    1 : the quality or state of cohering : as a : systematic or logical
    connection or consistency b : integration of diverse elements,
    relationships, or values

    I think Mark sees how these words connote something similar to Quality,
    but in a more familiar way, and in a way that is more widely used,
    academically and generally. Mark then identifies the use of the term,
    "sweet spot," as a measure of what he terms, "exceptional coherence."
    Through these terms he is able to link Pirsig's MOQ to terminology not
    restricted to this forum and then use accounts and testimonies from
    diverse sources to provide evidence to support Pirsig's metaphysics.

    Secondly, Mark sees coherence not only as the mark of exceptional
    experience but as the active centre of evolution.

    In his own words:


    "If a pattern is in too static a relationship, it ... is evolutionary
    dead. If the pattern is in too unstable a relationship, it [becomes too
    Dynamic to latch].

    The sweet spot is postulated as a coherent state somewhere between these
    two extremes. At the sweet spot of Dynamic Quality (DQ), a pattern is
    neither too static or unstable. It is here that a process is most
    efficient, art more beautiful and life more serene.

    According to Pirsig, evolution also tends towards DQ. Therefore, sweet
    spots may be viewed as the immediate cutting pressure in the
    evolutionary process."


    Mark further explores the idea of coherence in terms of the static
    levels, and in examining accounts of, "sweet spots," sees that coherence
    occurs across Pirsig's levels:


    "The deep natural impulse towards order that complexity indicates may be
    better restated as a balance between SQ patterns. The impulse is DQ and
    the order is SQ.

    At the sweet spot of the tennis racquet during the moment of impact,
    inorganic patterns comprising the structure of the artefact are in a
    high state of coherence with the organic patterns of the player. The
    Quality stimulus of all these patterns (taken as a unitary system) has
    coalesced into a coherent aesthetic state."


    Finally, Mark observes that coherence may operate in a moment, such as
    hitting a home run, or over longer periods. One can imagine momentous
    occasions in history occurring due to a sweet spot lasting months or
    even years, from the emergence of DNA to a political administration
    pushing forward reforms.


    "If this coherent state is achievable in all levels (inorganic, organic,
    social and intellectual) then it becomes possible to imagine a cycle of
    harmonic coherence throughout the evolution of all levels. Such a cycle
    of coherence/incoherence would describe the dominant patterns exerting
    influence in particular relationships. Such relationships may vary over
    the cycle of a human day, year, lifetime, individual, organisation or


    Once again Mark, apologies if I've distorted your ideas.



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