Re: MD Neo-Nazi Racism and the MOQ go together like peanutbutter and bro ken glass. Sandwich anyone?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 06:29:26 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD quality religion (cosmotheism)"

    On 21 Jun 2004 at 10:35, Platt Holden wrote:

    "What makes the free-enterprise system superior is that the
    socialists, reasoning intelligently and objectively, have
    inadvertently closed the door to Dynamic Quality in the buying and
    selling of things. They closed it because the metaphysical structure
    of their objectivity never told them Dynamic Quality exists." (Lila,

    To all egalitarians, communitarians and other radical left-wingers
    who think the MOQ supports their collectivist social values--read it
    again and weep. Intellect sides with free enterprise.

    msh says:
    What Platt doesn't understand is that Pirsig is speaking about a
    theoretical "Free Market" that doesn't exist. (I'm giving Pirsig the
    benefit of the doubt here.) Communism, then Socialism, were
    REACTIONS to predatory capitalistic instincts thriving on the
    Industrial Revolution and thereby concentrating wealth and power into
    the hands of fewer and fewer individuals.

    Capitalism is NOT interested in free markets, and never has been.
    In a true free market economy Capitalism would self-destruct in a
    single generation. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Grumman, GE,
    Westinghouse, most banks, wouldn't last for a second without HUGE
    taxpayer subsidies in the forms of R&D grants (if not outright
    turnover of taxpayer developed technology) , loans, tax breaks and,
    when necessary, bail outs. So when Platt and others speak of
    Capitalism and Free Market economies as if they are synonymous, they
    are victims of propaganda of the first and most obvious order.

    As for the argument that culture is to blame for inequalities in IQ,
    reread what Pirsig says about culture...

    msh says:
    Who's arguing this? The issue is whether or not inequalities in IQ
    warrant inequalities in opportunity. Or warrant the belief that a
    person's IQ should determine whether that person is given a chance to
    become a useful and productive, and happy, member of society, or if
    they should be marginalized from the get go.

    A cultural characteristic that says dedicating yourself to getting an
    education is "acting white" and therefore not to be valued is

    msh says:
    Who says this? Is this what you think Cosby was talking about? Why
    not post the entire speech? It is this kind of "selective" ignorance
    on your part that undermines your integrity at every turn, I'm sorry
    to say.

    Nevertheless, best,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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