Re: MD Coherence and the situationsists.

From: gav (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 13:14:25 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Neo-Nazi Racism and the MOQ go together like peanutbutter and bro ken glass. Sandwich anyone?"

    hey mark,
    interesting stuff.

    --- wrote: > The Question of
    Organization for the Situationist
    > International
    > Guy Debord, April 1968
    > Translated by Point Blank, 1972
    > 8. Since we have never considered the SI to be a
    > goal in itself, but as a
    > moment of historical activity, the force of things
    > now leads us to prove it. The
    > "coherence" of the SI is the relationship, directed
    > towards coherence, between
    > all the theses that have been formulated, between
    > them and our action, as
    > well as our solidarity on many, but not all, of the
    > questions about which each of
    > us must engage the responsibility of others. It
    > cannot be a kind of mastery
    > that is guaranteed to anybody, because this person
    > would then gain the
    > reputation of having acquired our theoretical bases
    > so well that he [sic] would
    > automatically glean an exemplary line of conduct
    > from them. It cannot be a demand
    > for an equal excellence of all on all questions or
    > operations, and even less can
    > it be a recognition of such excellence.
    > 9. Coherence is acquired and verified by egalitarian
    > participation in the
    > totality of a common practice, which simultaneously
    > reveals mistakes and supplies
    > remedies -- this practice requires formal meetings
    > to arrive at decisions,
    > the transmission of all information, and the
    > examination of all stated failures.

    sounds like praxis (complementary theory and practice)
    and participative think?

    i looked into coherence a few years ago but in a
    physics sense. i must admit not all of it sunk in,
    perhaps you can give me some examples of coherence,
    perhaps at various levels.


    ps know what you mean re sartre and de beauvoir. the
    roads to freedom trilogy is pretty good (well so far
    as i have got - book 2, the reprieve)

    pps sartre changed tack after being and nothingness.
    in 'search for a method' he comes up with a new
    ontology that looks very similar to a DQ/sq model.

    ppps i wrote a philosophy paper on sartre that
    explores his work and its relationship to the MOQ.
    will post it if i can find it.

    > Dear Gav,
    > I have been thinking about coherence for some time
    > as a relationship of
    > static patterns of Quality which best relates to DQ.
    > (The sweet spot.) I have also
    > been studying Sartre's Being and Nothingness and
    > Simone DeBouviore's Ethics of
    > ambiguity. (I don't know anything about the
    > Situationsists apart from the odd
    > comment made by fellow students and friends. I find
    > Sartre fascinating and
    > wish to learn more.)
    > I feel there is a common thread moving through
    > Pirsig, the situationists and
    > my thinking regarding coherence. Do you feel this is
    > worth pursuing?
    > I especially feel that coherence taken as a term
    > which describes high Quality
    > SQ-SQ tensions forms an MOQ derived basis for
    > situationist goals. It may be
    > noticed that such goals are not structured in a SOM
    > sense - they are aimed at
    > high level coherence. Perhaps Guy Debord intuitively
    > felt this when he wrote
    > the above paragraphs?

    > All the best,
    > Mark

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