Re: MD should racism be banned from the forum?

From: Paul Vogel (
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 18:13:54 BST

Hello All,

Nothing like the "lying hypocrisy" of "racist" and Jewish bigots
and their dualistic morality and Zionist support of Israel first!


Israel: Poll Shows 64% of Israeli Jews Favor Ethnic Cleansing
Report; Posted on: 2004-06-23 00:15:38

While the System media has decried the recent pro-White electoral and social
gains in Europe, Israelis, who inhabit the world's only explicitly
ethnically and religiously organized State, are outspokenly in favor of
ethnic cleansing, according to a new Israeli poll.

[Photo: Palestinian Victims of Zionist Ethnic Cleansing]

A Haifa University survey shows that 64% of Israeli Jews favored programs to
force Palestinian inhabitants out of the Jewish State, with 55% calling
Palestinians holding Israeli citizenship a threat to national security.

Needless to say, similar results directed against Jews or non-Whites in
White nations would result in waves of condemnation.

While for Whites there is no excuse for "intolerance" the Israeli who
conducted the survey attempted to dismiss the shocking results found in
self-righteous and supposedly "tolerant" Jews as the result of four years of
Palestinian uprisings. This excuse was floated despite the fact that the
uprisings occurred in the illegally-occupied West Bank and Gaza, which are
not officially a part of Israel, while the hatred expressed in the survey
was against non-Jews who are citizens of Israel proper, descendants of those
few Palestinians who stayed after the Zionist mass-exterminations and
explusions of the late 1940s.

The rise in hardline Zionist fanaticism reflects Israel's leadership, which
has conducted race war as part of its US funded national policy. It is also
the only Middle East nation to possess Weapons of Mass Destruction, such as
nuclear warheads. The existence of this racially homicidal nation in a
strategically vital region, armed to the death and with a militant
population enjoying carte blanche support of the United States is a recipe
for non-stop unrest and the potential for nuclear war.
Source: D. Kearney

Best regards,
Paul Vogel

PS-To your actual credit, Mark, at least you do support FREEDOM of POLITICAL
and even if your own "speech" consists mostly of only false and ad hominem
slander and
"social-marxist" lying propaganda and hypocrisy!

>From: "Mark Steven Heyman" < >
>Subject: Re: MD should racism be banned from the forum?
>Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 06:45:30 -0700
>Hi Gav and all,
>That Vogel and his "religion" Cosmotheism are racist has been shown
>quite clearly in my first few exchanges with him. All that was
>necessary was to quote from Cosmotheism's "Holy Books", ask him a few
>questions, then bring out a few facts about human genetics. His
>posting behavior since then only reaffirms his bigotry.
>However, excluding him from the list would give him exactly what he
>wants, "proof" that the "socio-marxist dogmatists" don't want the
>"truth" to come out.
>Although I understand Gav's feeling, I say let Vogel talk. Every
>word he utters makes more clear precisely what he is, and wants.
>Best to all,
>Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
>InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
>Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
>Web Site:
>"Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is
>everything." -- Henri Poincare'
>On 23 Jun 2004 at 17:53, gav wrote:
>i say yes.
>after reading one of mr vogel's previous posts, it
>seemed he was saying that race determines, to some
>extent, the ability to respond to DQ. this is racist
>as far as i am concerned.
>if this was not what mr vogel meant then can he please
>explain his position more clearly. if it is what he
>meant then i think it would be better for everyone if
>mr vogel was excluded from the list.
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