Re: MD The Final Cut

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Thu Jun 24 2004 - 18:39:41 BST

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    Hello everyone

    >From: Richard Loggins <>
    >Subject: Re: MD The Final Cut
    >Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 06:59:36 -0700 (PDT)
    >- I should explain that there are three approaches to
    >a guy like Paul V, 1)ignore him which is a tacit
    >condoning of his views, 2)argue with him in a
    >reasoned, respectful manner which gives the impression
    >that his views are equally respectable or legitamite,
    >or 3)denounce him and his ideas by calling him names
    >like bigot. I chose the last route because if there
    >ever was an appropriate time for ad hominem attacks,
    >this is it.

    Hi Rich

    I think I disagree that to ignore someone is a tacit condoning of his views.
    By acknowledging someone who is spewing hate you give them a platform upon
    which they can climb in order to spew their vile ever farther. You're not
    going to change a person's mind when their views are extreme to begin with
    so there's no reason to argue with them. And what possible difference are
    you going to make by calling them names? Odds are they've already been
    called that and worse. Besides, that's what they want!

    I don't think this subject comes up in ZMM or LILA but during my work on
    LILA'S CHILD I got the impression that Robert Pirsig's Subjects, Objects,
    Data and Values presentation fell upon deaf ears. I had the opportunity to
    ask Mr. Pirsig if he would use a different approach in the future. He said
    he thought it best to leave them (his audience) alone with their paradoxes.
    I think it's best to leave someone alone with their hate.


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