Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 14:27:53 BST
In a message dated 6/25/2004 2:42:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Besides, blue text is an indication of inferior thinking, IMO. Or at
least an indication that one's software is out of control, which, to
me, is an indication of inferior thinking.
my name is calvin.
since when does something so superficial as "text color" have anything to do
with intelligence or thinking? aren't we talking about ad hominen attacks, and
isn't this one? your contributing to the degeneracy of your own post. and
what if i said that i looked at your picture and i thought you looked like an
idiot. "well i always thought smart people to be clean-shaven." what would you
say to that? you're doing the same thing to me. and isn't this whole thing a bit
childish? what's the point of discussing unto death every little thing and
quibbling about vocabulary or text style rather than getting at the ideas behind
them? what about the indian tribes (Pirsig mentions) who are almost
excessively simple? what about taoism?
and as for "inferior thinking" (which you'll probably argue has "nothing to
do with intelligence") i happen to be a member of the Mega Society.
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