From: Dan Glover (
Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 21:23:12 BST
Hello everyone
>From: "Platt Holden" <>
>Subject: Re: MD immoral irony?????
>Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:02:03 -0400
>Hi Anthony,
> > The Zuni brujo example in LILA is designed to highlight the difference
> > between biologcal based degenerates like Vogel (who are anti-progressive
> > leading us back into eighteenth century ideas about "race") and
> > intellectually based radicals such as the brujo (who are progressive).
>The brujo was an intellectually-based radical? That's news to me. A
>radical to be sure, but one with "religious powers," not intellectual -- a
>person who if you asked him why he acted the way he did couldn't answer,
>only "following a vague sense of betterness." Also, 18th century ideas
>about race are not biological-based since ideas, be definition, are
>intellectual. Finally, not all old ideas are "anti-progressive" ideas, the
>Ten Commandments for example.
Hi Platt and Ant
I wouldn't call the brujo an intellectually-based radical nor would I call
him a person with "religious powers" since he was arrested for public
drunkness and peeping in windows (allegedly). Then again, perhaps he was a
Catholic priest. Just kidding, just kidding. Seriously, it appears to me
that he was just a drunken lout. I don't know how anyone could predict that
he would turn out to be a governor of his society. I thought that was RMP's
> > The quality that Vogel displays is therefore not Dynamic but based on a
> > static latch which has now been largely discredited.
>Agree. It's a static latch. So is the current proscription against talking
>about racial differences. Any social value that attempts to block free
>inquiry is an attempt to maintain the status quo and, in MOQ terms, blocks
>DQ. Political correctness is a blight on intellect.
But still, we don't write like Hemmingway or Twain did in their heyday.
> > No doubt it will
> > appear here and there in the weaker minded members of the human race
> > the next few centuries but its basically had its day.
>The term "weaker-minded" suggests an unattractive elitism, not to mention
>it's ad hominem overtone.
>For the record in no way do I find Cosmotheism worthwhile, primarily
>because it is intellectually vapid and, in many cases, meaningless. In
>other words, to borrow a phrase, it's weak-minded. :-)
>By the same token, I cannot intellectually close the door on
>investigations of racial differences that meet Pirsig's tests for truth --
>logical consistency, agreement with experience, and economy of
>explanation. To do so would violate the spirit of scientific inquiry and
>the MOQ itself.
I think so too.
Thank you all for your comments.
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