Date: Sat Jun 26 2004 - 14:07:27 BST
Part IIa.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the great article.
But I did not understand certain points..
Mark 25-6-04:
Hello there, 'The edge of chaos' (TEOC) found at the essay page, may
help you. This essay explores the consequences of thinking about the term
'sweet spot' and its relation to the MOQ.
Heather is not thinking in terms of the MOQ. I have initiated correspondence
with her and i know this is the case. Heather is however, familiar with Indian
and Zen thinking, so she is in a good position to appreciate what the MOQ is
We have three positions: 1. SOM thinking with no experience of Indian or Zen
thought. 2. Indian and Zen experience couched in SOM language and terminology.
3. MOQ language and terminology. I expect there are shades in between.
TEOC is firmly 3. Heather is 2. I do not know what your experience is? May i
assume it is 1 or maybe 2? The remainder of your post indicates to me that you
may not be familiar with Indian and Zen thought. My understanding is limited
so if i make some mistakes i hope you will excuse me?
I interpreted the sweet spot to be 'being whole' functioning as a single
unit..Did i get it wrong here?
Mark 25-6-04: You have not got it wrong. The thing to be clear about is what
the whole is. The whole is less or more coherence between static patterns. The
sweet spot is high coherence.
"Perhaps the most important aspect of experiencing the "sweet spot" is truly
being in the moment with total awareness. Mind and body work together with no
concern of past or future"
"When both mind and body are completely engaged, amazing things can happen."
Apparently it all boils down to dissolving the division into a body, a mind
and a whatever... Is it not?
I understood it to be working in one whole, when the author said: "The entire
body functions perfectly right down to the cellular level."
Am I right here?
Mark 25-6-04: The term 'mind' is avoided whenever possible in the MOQ. So,
apart from that you have got it. (This has relevance to issues concerning
personal identity.) The dissolution you refer to is actually an increase in
coherence. In coherence, perceived differentiation's fall away. You could say, "I
suppose it boils down to dissolving incoherence."
But then I did not get what he means when he equated the "sweet-spotness" to
satori while defining Satori as "the place where our senses remain consciously
apart from their corresponding sensory objects in order to perceive them,
while being in immediate participation with the foundation of all realities."
Part IIb follows.
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